Gay bar chicago leather history

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His life was extensively chronicled in 'Leatherman: The Legend of Chuck Renslow,' a 2007 biography by Tracy Baim and Owen Keehnen.Ĭhuck Renslow, a pillar of our lgbtq community here and around the world, has died at age 87. Leather contest and the Leather Archives and Museum in Rogers Park, but Renslow has a storied history of opening dozens of gay friendly businesses around Chicago. He is perhaps best known as the founder of the International Mr. Renslow, 87, died Thursday after multiple long-term health issues and nearly seven decades of pioneering the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer business scene in Chicago. CHICAGO - Chuck Renslow, one of Chicago's earliest openly gay entrepreneurs, died Thursday, but the longtime activist's leather-clad legacy continues on.

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